Jacob Sojournes - September 11, 2022 - Gen 29


Sunday School - 9:30AM; Worship Service - 10:30 AM

Sep. 11, 2022

CIT: God providentially works in Jacob’ life to bring about what he said and to shape Jacob into what he wants him to be

I.  Trust God to fulfill his Promises (Gen 29: 1-14)

A.  Jacob’s Location  (Gen 29: 1-3)

B.  Jacob’s Question (Gen 29: 4-6)

C.  Jacob’s Action (Gen 29: 7-11)

D.  Jacob’s Reception (Gen 29: 12-14)

II.   Trust God to Fashion his People (Gen 29: 15-30)

A.  Working 7 Years (Gen 29: 15-20)

B.  Working another 7 Years (Gen 29: 21-30)